Sunday, July 24, 2022

2022 first post 😂

 After two years and suddenly I feel like writing. 😂

This endemic phase is still on going. With influenza like illness and covid-19 cases spiking up day by day. Just ranting up here to mark some memories on it. 

About me? Nothing much progressing. Still the same me like my last post two years ago. The only difference is that those broken pieces can't be the same anymore. LOL. Like anyone care. Like who gonna read this ridiculous writing? 🤣

Two of my younger cousins married earlier of this year. The first one was in January with very limited guests and strict SOPs. The latter one was last month with much more relax event but still with SOPs to be followed. Some were asking when will be my turn? InshaAllah one day. May the right person comes at the right time in the right way. Amin. 

Other than that everything was pretty much the same.  Still baking and reading in my free time. Andd finally we can start travelling again! Alhamdulillah. May many more wishlists and bucketlist to be unlocked! Amin. 

Some of my prayers are being answered and I am very thankful and grateful. Hoping for a better tomorrow and more happy memories will be created. May all of you who read this will always be filled with joys and showers in happiness. ❤️

2022 first post 😂

 After two years and suddenly I feel like writing. 😂 This endemic phase is still on going. With influenza like illness and covid-19 cases s...