Monday, September 26, 2011

I've learn a lot!

Now I'm studying at KMPk (Perak Matriculation College). I'm a Module III student. Module III students have four subjects which is Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and Science Computer. The first time I entered science computer practical class, my mind kept saying that what i will get from this class? can i cope with this class? But after several weeks learning science computer, i think that it was awesome and interesting class. i admit that it is not so easy to go with the flow, but with helps from my practical lecturer and my friends I'm grateful that i can cope with the class.
I only knew how to use simple function of certain software before, but now i know the way to make a better writing assignment after entered this class. Most of the assignment that I have done must be submitted to the portal for marking. So, I've learns the way to upload files to the portal. Besides, I've learns on how to make a calculation using Spreadsheet with many kind of functions. 
A few weeks ago I've learn on how to create a website. I've create it refers to a note given and guide from my practical lecturer. Now, i know how to create my own blog. As a conclusion, I've learn a lot!

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2022 first post 😂

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