Tuesday, October 04, 2011

internet pon nak alamat jgak!

hehe...2 entries dlm satu hari? best gak nih...
miss Aunah suruh kitorg update pasal ape yg dah dipelajari dlm sc comp...
i amek satu topic kecik dalam chapter 3 larh..INTERNET ADDRESS..
kalau kite nk bkk page atau email mesti ade internet address. even blog ni pon ade address die sndri.

So, mari kite selami ape itu internet address.
Internet Address is also called as an IP address (Internet Protocol address) which have 4 part number that seperated by periods.
The number in each group must be between 0-255.

IP address plak adalah a number that uniquely identifies each computer or device connected to the internet. It is a unique 32-bit number assigned to network devices that use Internet Protocol.

bg yg xblaja sc comp, mesti korg ingt ni adlh internet address kan?? sbnrnye ini adlh Domain Name. Domain name is the text version of an IP address. Ni contoh IP address ( selalunye first portion of each IP address identifies the network while the last portion identifies the specific computer.

There are three impotant things that we must know in this sub topic is..

Top-level domain (TLD)
the last section of the domain name.

Generic Top-level domain (gTLD)
identifies the type of organization associated with the domain.

Domain name system (DNS)
translate the domain name into its associated IP address.

There are two version of Internet Protocol which is IPv4 AND IPv6. The most widely used version of IP is IPv4.

kalau nk tau lebih lanjut tntg intenet address, klik la sini... don't shy2 cat...Cri Du Chat xpe.. ;p

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