Thursday, December 22, 2011

English oh Englishhhhhh...

bkn nk mengeluh..just nak kongsi cerita ngan korg..untuk sem 2 ni kitorg bdak2 matriks xsure la bdak PDT terlibat atau x, kitorg diberi tugas utk:
-generate an idea/
-invent something that helps people/
-create an event/
-provide service to people

sbnrnya nk buat sume mende ni senang je..cume pendedahan yg diberi kpd kitorg xlengkap atau lebih sesuai dipanggil "xpaham ape pon yg kitorg kne wat". Dari bermulanya sem 2 ini, kelas english kami hanyalah diganti dgn pensyarah lain disebabkan pensyarah kami diserang demam campak..bru mggu ni kelas kitorg "bernyawa" dalam erti kata yg sbnr. so, ape lg? sume preparations pon kne wat secepat yg mungkin la sbb mggu ni jgk kitorg kne present ttg product kitorg (ESOK). erk! ready ke x ni eh? kne redah jgkla..doa2 la group kitorg present mggu dpn..AMIN...bley la bernafas sket.

haih...bile diorg nk start discuss blik nikh? sorg da tido, lg sorg xsmpai2 lg.. practice satu hape pon blom nikh..gambo2 n preparations bley dikatekan td bru wat yg sbnr2nya...ape jd ek sok? Allah je yg tau... moga2 dipermudahkan urusan kami esok..AMIN..nnti kte cite ape yg jd ye..

klah, gtg..deme xnk practice kte practice sorg2 je la ek?? jdla....

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Kejarlah Cinta Allah..

mood: exhausted...tgh blaja edit logo
veneu: IT lab

miss ckp smbil2 edit tu bce newspaper. tp update blog best gak. sem 2 ni mkin sibuk sbb lg bnyk assgmnt...alhamdulillah dgn result sem 1 dlu yg hmpir nyawa2 ikan, DIA masih mengizinkan aku berada di KMPk ni...TAHNIAH pd kwn2 yg berjaya dgn cemerlang..kpd kwn2 yg senasib dgnku teruskan usaha..jom bersaing secara sihat! sem 2 ni diteruskan dgn azam n semangat yg bru. nk beat bdak2 cina yg sumenye dpt 4.00. kalau deme boleh nape kite x kan? pengalaman mmg bnyk memberi pengajaran. Di kesempatan ini, nk kongsi skit ape yg blaja dlm kelas agama smlm. Smlm secara rasminye kitorg start kelas agama dgn mengikut sukatan yg diberi oleh bhgn matrikulasi. tajuknye akidah, mmg dr zaman sekolah da ble disoal semula msih ade yg tergagap2 menjwb. antara isi yang diketengahkn adlh ttg cara hidup manusia zaman skrg.
mmg di mycard nama dan agamanye islam. tp adakah cara hidupnya berlandaskan islam??  teguran ustazah itu membuatkan aku mencerminkan diri sendiri dan membandingkan remaja zaman skrg dgn remaja sebelumnya yg dgn mudahnya dipengaruhi budaya luar atau lebih tepat budaya kuning. teringat juga filem2 yg tidak sesuai untk tontonan umum dgn selambanya ditayangkan.
ustazah juga ade menyelitkan satu kisah 'dahulu kala' di zaman beliau masih belajar. cerita ttg artis yg berpakaian seksi ditgkp di pusat hiburan kalau xsilap. kes ini masuk mahkamah, dan akhirnya mufti yg cuba menegakkan kbnran dilucutkan jawatan dan artis tersebut menang! BAYANGKAN....
sebelum kelas tamat, ustazah sempat berpesan..ingtlah, rezeki, jodoh dan ajal di tgn tuhan. jd xperlulah kita mencari pasangan cinta, kerana Allah telah menyediakannya untuk kita. tapi sibukkanlah diri kta mengejar cinta Allah.. =)
klah, nk smbung keje edit mengedit ni..sekian..

Sunday, October 23, 2011

pagi di KMPk..

Assalamualaikum..rasenye spnjg hampir 5 bln dok kmpk ni xpenah cite ape2 lg ttg kmpk kan?
pasal sbjek tu adela.. tu pon sbb lctrr suruh..hehe..harini meh teman cite ye..kwsn kmpk ni luas n berbukit-bukau sesuai dgn lirik lagu rasminye..time orientasi dlu kitorg dibawa mengelilingi kolej n serious pnt gile! naek bukit, turun bukit... bg bdak2 pompuan sng sket la nk g kuliah or tutorial sbb mmg dkt. bdak laki plak terpaksa bjln agk jauh bruuuu la smpai..kdg2 lg 5 min kelas nk start bru kitorg pecut g kelas..haha..dekat la kne daki bukit gak..kalau kelas lame lg nk start kitorg naek lift. kalau xsilap, kat malaysia ni matriks yg ade lift kmpk je..hehe..untung kami..

pagi td buat pertama kalinye misi teman nk tgk sunrise tercapai! thanx kwn2 sbb tlg gerak! hehe..pg2 tgk sunrise kt sni best n mmg cantik! meh tgk gmba kalo xcaye...
1. time ni kitorg bru smpai..nk dkt pkul 7 rsenye..

cantik kan??
pg2 mcm ni rmai la bdak kolej xkire laki or pmpuan yg bjogging..ade jgk yg suke amek gmba mcm kitorg.. =) plak gmba area kolej kitorg..
tangki air ni dipanggil UFO oleh bdak2 kmpk ptg2 lepak sini best gak

ha..blok yg warne kuning tu adalah asrama dak2 laki

ni plak DSK (Dewan Seri Kinta) atau lebih dikenali sbgai oven time orientasi dlu..

ni adlh laluan yg mghubungkn blok pljr lelaki ngan bgunan akademik..jauh  x? jarak: ukur sdri la..haha

kt bwh tu ade garaj basikal..spe nk kayuh, g je amek...pusing la bpe round pon..kalau larat la..

blkg tu bgunan akademik + kompleks siswa (hai sibah!) kolam ikan antara DSK td ngan Masjid Al-Maghfirah (gmba ni dr  ats masjid)

kt sini la kitorg slalu tgk bulan mlm2...tenang je... plak anjung siswa..

ni time sunrise gak..dkt pkul 8..tu kete lectrr bru nk parking.. =p
adoi..kalo cite sume mmg xabes la..len kali teman cite lg ye..
As a conclusion, kmpk mmg cantik..=)
i love kmpk!!

psst: mr d-sim, my blog xberhabuk!


Sunday, October 16, 2011


hmm....tarikh mcm cantik je, arini mcm2 benda yg memalukan t'jd...ase cam nk nyorok2 je... ^.^
punyela semangat nk g jmpe lectrr kt cubic, laju2 trun tgga (semangat nikh!)..ehem..kalo jln tu xnyembang xbest la kan? *sometimes. disebabkan tlalu gembira ngan cerite nye...botol yg dipegang di tgn hampir terlepas...kerana sygkan botol n xnk die jtuh bukit sbb nyawanye masih bru, i pon try la nk slmtkn beliau...n tanpa disengajakn t'pijak la kaen i yg terlebih labuh plak aritu...then, apelagi..tergolek dot la tang tu...huhu..
sian botol i calor u know! =(
dgn muka yg kemerahan mnhn malu + sakit + dgn hrpn xde org nmpk, perjlnn diteruskan..

mlm tu plak deme ngajak jln2...tgk bulan katenye...penat pusing2 balikla...n then time dlm bilik tu..bdak2 bilik jela yg tau...haha..tingin nk pkai kaen batik sgt kan...hamek hang! serious malu giler! n xtau la nape..dlm minngu itu asyik jatuh je...hmm?? nape yerk? bnyk dosa, pd sape2 yg teman ade wat slh tu minx maap bebanyok la yer...

*psst: smpai arini xilang tau nebes trun tgga tu lg...

Friday, October 07, 2011


First Tag 

Name 7 people you can think of
right off the top of your head.
Don't read the questions until you
write the names of the 7 people.
1.Syazana Atikah
2.Emira Syahirah

Wani Bukang
4.Hasibah Halim
5.Wani Ismail


Reminder : Don't read ahead
unless you fill above names first!

Question 1 : How do you meet 1?
die tgh kemas locker lps daftar as student kmpk!

Question 2 : On the Scale of 1 - 10, how you rate your relationship with no 1?


Question 3 : How long have you known 4?
sejak die ajk i teman die g bistro bli karipap time mggu first kt kmpk...hahaha..

Question 4 : How do you know number 3?
wani? haha..time die dgn skemanye mengenalkn diri mse i enter my room mse first day..

Question 5 : Where 5?
tengah megheloh kt bilik kot.  hihi..

Question 6 : A fact about number 1?
die slalu tnye i, die comey x?? kalo i ckp comey, die mesti tnye bnyk ke sket? n my answer is always sket! hahaha

Question 7 : Who is no 4 going out with?
hmm...kalo sorg2..ngan botak kot! kalo rmai2 ngan geng kitorg la biasenye..

Question 8 : What does no 1 do for living?
sit in front of the mirror MAYBE?? errrr.....

question 9 : Would you live with number 3?
no. 3?? kalo nk ati teman ghentung cepat sbb dengor die ckp "perlu ke? xkan...." tiap2 ari buatler...eeiii...time tu ase nk cekik2 die...(sabor...sabor...)

Question 10 : What do you like about no 2?
mira? i ske time main geletek2 ngan die...spe kalah byr 50 sen...(xde koje kan?) hmm...lame plak x maen...

Question 11 : Do you miss number 5?
sometimes =p

Question 12 : Would you make out with number 4?'s kalo die nk pe slhnye...hahhahaha...

Question 13 : What's your opinion of number 2?
 die gile2, slalu jd geng i kalo nk wat jht...ngeh3...mmg xde mslh la...

Question 14 : What is your fav memory with number 5?
main simpulan bahasa time KMM kot...yg most of the time die asyik gelak siyes time maen tu rase nk guling2 pon ade..maennye mcm ni..buat gaya based on simpulan bahasa..adeke patot kne wat gaye mayat idup?? ce korg try...hahahah

Question 15 : What would you do if number 1 going out with number 2?
jealous maybe..opah is mine! hahah

Question 16 : ever had a long conversation with number 5?
mse time xde kelas or xde koje gak smbg ngan die..xpon time die dtg lepak blik kitorg..

Question 17 : have you ever slept at number 2's house?
xpena...die penah la...ade jgk die ajk tp i sogan..hehe..jgn mara mira....

Question 18 : Do you hang out with number 3 often?
owh...sudah semestinye...die kan my roomate..

Question 19 : Who do you known the longest?
of course la no.2...dr skola rendah lg... =)

Question 20 : How often do you talk to number 1?
owh...xterkire...kdg2 time tgh tido pon kitorg sembang...

Question 21:What about number 2?
most of the time...kdg2 tgh gosok gigi pon nk ckp...huhuhahahihihuuhuhihi...gitula ghopenye ckp time gosok gigi..

Question 22 : Have you ever thought 3 more than a friend?

mesti...die opah jgk...opah kpd pek-ah seksi (kwn baek sibah)...hahaha...

Question 23 : May be you want to go out for a date with number 5?
boleh aje...asalkn die blanje itupon dah lebih dr ckup..

Question 24 : Do you dream about number 2?
ade2! mimpi kitorg blik ke zaman skolah rendah..n ade jgk mimpi family die dtg kebun i..

Question 25 : What did number 4 did to you that you never forget?
hehe..mybe time die nanges kt anjung kot! comey...haha...(nanges pon comey...kalo senyum? mau cair botak!)

Question 26 : What have you done to number 1 that he/she never forget?
erm....mybe time gelak gile2 kt die mse die jatuh kt depan bilik sbb tlanggor tebing koridor n...(biorla kitorg je tau sbb ape)

Question 27 : What is number 3's hobby?
says "Bukang" (bukan) n "perlu ke? xkan..."

Question 28 : Who do you want to tag?

Last phone call
my brother

Last text msg
my old friend

Last time cried
td..time lecture math...lectrer pon nanges woo....
Date someone twice?
Kiss someone and regretted it
never...i love to kiss my mama what...
Lost someone special
hmm...sape ek? ha...kwn baek time skola kt tepen..(taiping) mmg lost contact trus..

Fallen out of love

Laughed until you cried
selalu...sbb i ske gelak kt org...kdg2 smpai muntah2 n ilang org gelak kt i, siap die!
Met someone who change your life
ade2! tp skrg die mcm da jauh je...
Found out someone was talking about you
yes! pastu wat2 cam xde pape..mcm org xdgr..huhu..
How many people on your top friends do you know in real life?
all of them!
How many kids do you want to have?
uish...soalan...hmm...depends la rezeki Allah nk bg...haha..
Do you have any pets?
YES! yg pling lame i jage name die abg i pggil die Tesco! sbb kakak i amek die kt tesco...time tu die baby lg..kurus kering mcm nk mati...skrg die dah gemok, gebu, debab n comeyyy...
Do you want to change your name?
xmo2...rmai org ckp name i ade gak yg ckp name i unik n sedap...creamy gitu..haha..but seriously I Love My Name! sbb my mama n papa yg kasi..
What time did you wake up today?
6.45 am...tu pon seb baek zana goncang! lupe set alarm..tertido..hehe..
What were you doing at midnight last night?
terjage dr tido n teman zana p tandas!

 Name something you cannot wait for?
food! never speak about it in front of me when i'm hungry!
Last time you see your father?
hmm..ari ahd 2mggu lepas smbil mkn donut time family anta blik matriks.
What’s one thing you wish could change?
the system of education in Malaysia i guess..

Have you ever talk to a person named Tom?
Tom & Jerry kot!
What getting on your nerves right now?
nk PSPM oiiii.........
Elementary/primary school
Middle/secondary school
secondary rsenye...awat?
Hair color
itamler..i xske mandi air karat...
Long or short
Want kids
Want to get married
insyaAllah...kalau ade jodoh..
Career in mind
i love to teach people...but i can't stand people who can;t understand what i'm teaching...for sure not a teacher even it was my 1st ambition.

Kiss a stranger

uishhh...setakat ni blum lg la...kne pegang ngan org n xlepas2 penah la...
Lost glasses/contacts
long time ago..
Ran away from home
penah! sebab dah lmbt g skolah..haha...smbil kunyah wo...
Broken someone’s heart tu xsengaja!
Been arrested
Cried when someone died
mestila...sedih woo..
Is there any person you want to be with right now?

Do you believe in God?
mesti la..
sape sape yg nk.

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

internet pon nak alamat jgak!

hehe...2 entries dlm satu hari? best gak nih...
miss Aunah suruh kitorg update pasal ape yg dah dipelajari dlm sc comp...
i amek satu topic kecik dalam chapter 3 larh..INTERNET ADDRESS..
kalau kite nk bkk page atau email mesti ade internet address. even blog ni pon ade address die sndri.

So, mari kite selami ape itu internet address.
Internet Address is also called as an IP address (Internet Protocol address) which have 4 part number that seperated by periods.
The number in each group must be between 0-255.

IP address plak adalah a number that uniquely identifies each computer or device connected to the internet. It is a unique 32-bit number assigned to network devices that use Internet Protocol.
bg yg xblaja sc comp, mesti korg ingt ni adlh internet address kan?? sbnrnye ini adlh Domain Name. Domain name is the text version of an IP address. Ni contoh IP address ( selalunye first portion of each IP address identifies the network while the last portion identifies the specific computer.

There are three impotant things that we must know in this sub topic is..

Top-level domain (TLD)
the last section of the domain name.

Generic Top-level domain (gTLD)
identifies the type of organization associated with the domain.

Domain name system (DNS)
translate the domain name into its associated IP address.

There are two version of Internet Protocol which is IPv4 AND IPv6. The most widely used version of IP is IPv4.

kalau nk tau lebih lanjut tntg intenet address, klik la sini... don't shy2 cat...Cri Du Chat xpe.. ;p

Monday, October 03, 2011

Another MOnday....

tgh sdp2 tido pg td bdak bilik bising2...ingtkan ade ape...
bunyi dah mcm ade bende ape la td...
Rupe2nye....arini kan....BIRTHDAY SIBAH....
hehe...sibah, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
hadiah lmbt sket yer...tgu i blik kg...haha..bru ley shopping... =)

sibah ni kalo korg nk kwn ngan die sbb sporting...
nk tau x? die ckp, arini die nk senyum spnjg hari...meh kite tgk jd x rncgn die...
hehe...kla..nnti i cite psl bday celebresen die yer...

Monday, September 26, 2011

I've learn a lot!

Now I'm studying at KMPk (Perak Matriculation College). I'm a Module III student. Module III students have four subjects which is Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and Science Computer. The first time I entered science computer practical class, my mind kept saying that what i will get from this class? can i cope with this class? But after several weeks learning science computer, i think that it was awesome and interesting class. i admit that it is not so easy to go with the flow, but with helps from my practical lecturer and my friends I'm grateful that i can cope with the class.
I only knew how to use simple function of certain software before, but now i know the way to make a better writing assignment after entered this class. Most of the assignment that I have done must be submitted to the portal for marking. So, I've learns the way to upload files to the portal. Besides, I've learns on how to make a calculation using Spreadsheet with many kind of functions. 
A few weeks ago I've learn on how to create a website. I've create it refers to a note given and guide from my practical lecturer. Now, i know how to create my own blog. As a conclusion, I've learn a lot!

2022 first post 😂

 After two years and suddenly I feel like writing. 😂 This endemic phase is still on going. With influenza like illness and covid-19 cases s...