Friday, March 02, 2012

You ask, I Answer lah..


ha...meh teman nak ceghiter sket..

Starting time : 14:30
Name : Ezyan Murni
Brother(s) : tige oghang
Eye colour : hitam n putih ler..
Shoes size : 8 or 9 kot..ntah, slalu beli size kot, muat je kasut mama n kak yang..huhee
Hair :xpanjang, xpendek..sedang2 makin panjang sejak dok matriks nie..

Height : yg surenye lebih dr 170

What are you wearing right now : baju kurung (baju kelas td…hehe..)
Where do you live : Kolej Kediaman Seri Intan, Kolej Matrikulasi Perak, Jalan Kota Bharu…(poyo sekejap)
Favourite number : 20.. satu family minat no ni...salah satu sbbnye ni tarikh annivessary mama n papa kawen.. =)
Favourite drink : milo ais…tp kat matriks ni nescaffe ais B1 kot..(na, mira, sibah n su jgn nk gelak2 yer…)
Favourite month : September…dpt adiah bnyk coz it my birthday..hehe ^.^
Favourite breakfast :nasi goring putih mama masak + ikan bilis goring + sky juice (I love cold drinks..)

Have You Ever

Broken a bone : nope..n don’twant to…
Been in a police car : in real life penah skali time keta rosak..naik keta polis ronda..dalam game yg ahmad slalu maen tu plak coz bnyk langgor org…muahaha..
Fallen for a friend : once!
Fallen for a guy/girl in a short time : ntah..
Swam in the ocean : papa xkasi mandi laut sejak tsunami…huhu..rndu plak kat papa.. =( lg pon xreti berenang.
Broken someone's heart : penah kot…tp siyes xsengaja…ter….sori sgt2…it’s too much, I know
Cried when someone died : atokkkk i miss u...
Sat by phone all the night waiting for someone call : tgu papa call time atok sakit…tp senyap je…
Saved emails : haha…rasenye..bnyk yg dibiarkan tanpa dibaca…maleh la..baik blogwalking..
Been cheated : kalo xpenah kena tipu tu mmg pelik r…


Your room look a like : kalo kat umah: xterusik n berhabuk kot sbb no one dlm blik tu…kak teh ntah bile plak balik ipoh..kalo kat matriks: buku menimbun ateh meja n tepi katil..(bajet nk study sblum tido…ngeh3..)
What is right beside you : charger lappy…
What is the last thing you ate : nasi putih+ayam+kerabu ulam…sedaappppp…makan rmai2 celebrate bday pika n ada (01.03.12)  td bru mkn rmai2..


Who did you last tell : tell what? My secret? Kalo tu…kak teh kot…
Who was the last person you danced with : dak2 kelas 5sc time PJ kat SMKP skrg dah diharamkan kat perak.
Who last made you smile : sorg blogger…best blog die..ehem..aku mmg ske bce cite org..cita-cita sampingan: novelis…muaahahaha..kurun ke berapa la bru kak teh ckp aku ade bakat! =D

Final Question

What are you listening to right now : bunyi muzik dr lappy mira..haha..
What did you do today : pergi kuliah, kelas dinamika..english class was cancelled! Pegi mkn rmai2..n then g kat ATM machine tgk jadual MUET esok..ketor nikh..n right now I’m typing.
Are you the oldest : nope! I was born in September, so why I’m the eldest?? Haha..lg pon dlm family aku ank no.5… =p
Indoors or outdoors : kalau both boley x? aku ske jln2..outdoors kan? N aku jgk ske tido xpon bce novel.. >>indoors. So I choose both! =) kak yang, jom mkn BR!!! =P yummy!!

Today Did You

Talk to someone you like : ade.. en. Azmir (KJ Sastera Iktisas). Suara die yg bersemangat time jwb salam tu paling I likeeeee sesangat…hahahahaha..(gile hape! Laki org tuuuu)
Kiss someone : kiss Puan Roshidah n Miss Ainul’s hand td lepas kelas….
Sing : lagu “Istikharah Cinta”…saje menggile…best lagu tu..
Talk to an ex : hurm…..x…teman mane penah kapel..(kalau nk mama kejor ngan parang try ler couple…ngeh3..)
Miss someone : my family…lantakla org nk ckp aku hape..aku syg family aku, sbb tu kalo free je mmg aku nk balik jmpe diorg even sehari…hak3..abeh, teman mane penah dok asrama..*family sick! Bkn homesick sbb aku da x rndu kat katil aku…yeay! misi berjaya..kalo x, mau satu bilik aku hangkut bawak sini..   
Eat : ish…kan da cite td…tanye lg…cepuk kang! Hahaha… =p

Last Person You Talked Who

You talked on the phone to : “En. Azmir, esok peksa MUET kan? pusat die kat mane??”
Made you cry : bru dua hari sudah…tetibe rndukan die yg lame…
You went to mall with : bile last kuar ek? Erm..ha! time celebrate birthday kak teh kat Kenny Rogers Ipoh Parade..ngan family la..kalo ngan kawan tu penah 2 kali jer…hak3..sedey x cite i??
Who cheered you up : my sis! Thanx kak yang…eh, jgn lpe..esok amek I lepas MUET..hehe..kalo i jd balik..

Have You

Been to Mexico : not yet, nape? Nk blanje ke? Boley je…
Been to USA : xpenah mcm borink je..baik g Mekah..


Have a crush on someone : penah!
What books are you reading right now : currently bku biology cap ayam (bak kate lecturer) yang ade gambo ghimau tuuu…
Best feeling in the world : live in big n happy family, got 4.00, msuk university, dpt suami mcm Din n dapat mendalami ilmu Islam…

Future kids name :erm…da dpt bru la bg…hahaha…
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal : ade! Katak. =p
What's under your bed : couple of boxes with books n files in it..duduk hostel, bukan semi-d punye umah. so, xnk sepah masuk la deme ke bawah tempat peraduan ku..
Favourite sports : main kejar2 ngan org, tp masuk olahraga..sempotttttt…
Favourite place : KMPk setakat ni! 
Who do you really hate : when someone misunderstand me, don’t want to talk to me or yelling at me..i’m not deaf yet okay!
Do you have a job : currently not. In the past yes! As an office girl.. =) enjoy it very much!
What time is it now : 15:18

Dah bace, senyap2 je ye… =)

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